Kazakhstan's Oil and Gas Upstream 2008
Release date:
November 2008
308 pages, over 240 figures, maps and tables
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Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Upstream 2008 provides the most comprehensive and unique publicly available examination of the country’s exploration and production (E&P) sector, with focus on the upstream operators, projects and the drilling and workover activity.
Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Upstream 2008 is designed to serve as an indispensable practical support tool for strategic, investment, business development and marketing decision-making.
The study consists of the following parts:
1. Overview of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas industry including:
2. Profiles of 48 operator-companies currently active in Kazakhstan’s upstream with details on:
ownership and legal structure
key assets: licenses and reserves, field infrastructure
current operations: exploration, production, drilling
exports and marketing issues
contact information
3. Detailed data on drilling and workover activity in Kazakhstan as of autumn 2008:
The data has been verified as of September 2008 and is split by:
Sample drilling/workover profile by operator is available at request.
Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Upstream 2008 is an indispensable source of information for:
oil and gas companies examining opportunities to build or expand operations in Kazakhstan
oilfield service companies
equipment manufacturers and suppliers
investment and finance institutions
construction and engineering companies
trading companies
governmental and international energy bodies
Chapter 1: Overview of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas industry
1.1 Oil
1.2 Gas
1.3 Oil and gas transportation infrastructure
Chapter 2: Kazakhstan's oil and gas companies
2.1 Adai Petroleum
2.2 Aksai
2.3 Altius Petroleum
2.5 Aral Petroleum Capital
2.6 Arman
2.7 Atash Company
2.8 Block N Consortium
2.9 Buzachi Operating
2.10 Caspi Meruerty
2.11 CNPC-Aktobemunaigas
2.12 Condor Petroleum Inc
2.13 Caspian Zhuldyz (Mertviy Kultuk project)
2.14 Emir Oil
2.15 Jupiter Energy Ltd
2.16 Karachaganak Petroleum
2.17 Karakudukmunai
2.18 Karazhanbasmunai (ÑÑEL)
2.19 Karpovskiy Severny (North)
2.20 Kazakhmys Petroleum
2.21 Kazakhoil - Aktobe
2.22 Kazgermunai
2.23 KazKorMunai(South Karpovskiy block)
2.24 KazMunaiGas Exploration and Production (KMG EP)
2.25 Ken-Sary
2.26 KMK Munai ( former Lancaster Petroleum)
2.27 KuatAmlonMunai (KAM)
2.28 Kurmangazy Petroleum
2.29 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan
2.30 Matin
2.31 Max Petroleum(Samek International)
2.32 Meerbusch
2.33 Mangistaumunaigas
2.34 North Caspian Operating Company B.V. (NCOC)
2.35 North Caspian Petroleum
2.37 Petrom S.A.
Tasbulat Oil
2.38 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources
2.39 Potential Oil
2.40 Roxi Petroleum
2.41 TengizChevroil(TCO)
2.42 Tethys Petroleum(TPL)
2.43 Tristan Oil
2.44 Turgai Petroleum
2.45 Tyub-Karagan Operating Company B.V
2.46 Ural Oil and Gas
2.47 Zhaikmunai
2.48 Zhalgiztobemunai
2.49 Zhambai
2.50 Zhambyl Petroleum
Chapter 3. Drilling Market in Kazakhstan
Appendix1. Table of abbreviations used in the report
Table 1.2.1 Kazakhstan’s fields with gas reserves, classified by type
Table 1.2.2 The fields with the largest gas reserves
Table 1.2.3 Kazakhstan’s gas processing capacity
Table 1.3.1 The throughput capacity of main oil export routs and actual oil export flows in 2009
Table 1.3.2 Kazakhstan’s planned export capacity and export potential in 2015
Table 1.3.3 Main technical characteristics of existing transit pipelines (as of the end of 2009)
Table 2.1.1 Adai block prospective resources
Table 2.1.2 Exploration activities at the Adai block
Table 2.1.3 Adai project pilot oil production
Table 2.3.1 Altius Petroleum oil reserves, as of December 31, 2008
Table 2.3.2 Altius Petroleum oil reserves, by field, as of the end of 2008
Table 2.3.3 Drilling activities at Altius contract areas
Table 2.3.4 Altius Petroleum work commitments, 000$
Table 2.4.1 Oil reserves at the Kyrykmyltyk field
Table 2.4.2 Well drilled at the Kyrykmyltyk field
Table 2.4.3 ANACO: performance in 2001-2009
Table 2.5.1 Oil reserves in the East Zhagabulak field, as of December 31, 2008
Table 2.5.2 APC’s minimum work program requirements under the Exploration Contract, as at March 31, 2009
Table 2.6.1 The Arman field oil reserves, as of December 31, 2008
Table 2.9.1 Characteristics of North Buzachi oil
Table 2.9.2 Oil reserves at North Buzachi field
Table 2.9.3 New wells commissioned at the North Buzaci field
Table 2.11.1 CNPC-Aktobemunaigas hydrocarbon reserves, as of April 2009
Table 2.11.2 Major projects implemented/started in 2000-2009
Table 2.14.1The fields and structures
Table 2.14.2 Emir Oil’s oil and gas reserves
Table 2.14.3 Wells drilled/to be drilled by Emir Oil, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.14.4 Emir Oil investment
Table 2.15.1 Jupiter Energy resource base
Table 2.16.1 The Karachaganak field hydrocarbon reserves
Table 2.17.1 Characteristics of Karakuduk oil
Table 2.17.2 Karakuduk field oil reserves
Table 2.17.3 New wells commissioned and the well stock at the Karakuduk field
Table 2.18.1 Characteristics of Karazhanbas oil
Table 2.18.2 Drilling activities at the Karazhanbas field
Table 2.20.1 Kazakhmys Petroleum ñapital expenditures, $ million
Table 2.21.1 Oil reserves at the Alibekmola and Kozhasai fields, as of December 31, 2008
Table 2.21.2 Commissioning of new wells at the Alibekmola and Kozhasai fields
Table 2.22.1 KGM proved oil reserves, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.22.2 KGM contingent reserves, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.22.3 Exploration and production drilling/workover at KGM fields in 2009
Table 2.24.1 KMG EP Key data
Table 2.24.2 EMG major producing fields
Table 2.24.3 KMG EP oil reserves, as of December 31, 2009
Table 2.24.4 KMG EP oil reserves, by field, as of December 31, 2009
Table 2.24.5 Operational activities at KMG EP fields
Table 2.24.6 KMG drilling program for 2010 through 2014
Table 2.24.7 KMG EP export sales of crude oil, by routs
Table 2.25.1 Oil reserves at the Arystanov field
Table 2.26.1 Lancaster Petroleum oil reserves
Table 2.27.1 Well drilled at the KAM fields
Table 2.27.1. Exploration activities at the Kurmangazy structure
Table 2.29.1 Hydrocarbon reserves of the Saigak field (as of December 31, 2008)
Table 2.31.1 Subsalt: Provisional Drilling Sequence –Q42009 to Q22011
Table 2.32.1 Hydrocarbon reserves at the Kulzhan field
Table 2.34.1 Planned offshore production infrastructure at Kashagan
Table 2.34.2 The Kashagan project key production parameters
Table 2.35.1 NCPL prospective resources
Table 2.36.1 OTG Contract prospective resources, as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.36.2 Zhubatan reserves estimate , as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.36.3 Emba Contract prospective resources (Gross), as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.36.4 Profit prospective resources (Gross), as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.36.5 Tyubezhik contingent resources: crude oil (Mbbl)
Table 2.36.6 Zhangurshi contingent resources: crude oil (Mbbl), as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.38.1 PKKR licenses
Table 2.38.2 PKKR oil reserves, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.38.3 Work performed at PKKR fields in 2009
Table 2.39.1 Potential Oil reserves, as of December 31, 2009
Table 2.39.2 Potential Oil operational activities
Table 2.40.1 Roxi Petroleum’s assets in Kazakhstan
Table 2.40.2 Ravninnoye Contract area
Table 2.40.3 Beibars Contract area
Table 2.40.4 Munaily Contract area
Table 2.40.5 Galaz Contract area
Table 2.40.6 BNG Contract area
Table 2.41.1 AA. TCO oil reserves
Table 2.42.1 Tethys Petroleum gas reserves, as of December 31, 2008
Table 2.43.1 Total Borankol and Tolkyn field reserves, as of January 1, 2009
Table 2.43.2 Total Borankol Field, as of January 1,2009
Table 2.43.3 Total Tolkyn Field (Non-LPG), as of January 1, 2009
Table 2.44.1 Characteristics of Kumkol oil
Table 2.44.2 Turgai Petroleum hydrocarbon reserves at the contract territory of the Kumkol field
Table 2.44.3 New wells commissioned at the Kumkol field (northern part)
Table 2.47.1 Zhaikmunai hydrocarbon reserves, as of July 1, 2009
Table 2.47.2 Wells drilled at the Chingarevskoye field
Table 2.48.1 Oil reserves at the Zhalgiztobe field
Table 3.1 Top five drilling contractors in Kazakhstan in 2009
Table 3.2 Drilling volumes in Aktyubinsk Region, by producer, 2009
Table 3.3 Major customers of drilling services in Atyrau Region in 2009
Table 3.4 Main drilling customers in West-Kazakhstan Region in 2009
Table 3.5 Major customers of drilling services in Kyzylorda Region in 2009
Table 3.6 Major customers of drilling services in Mangistau Region in 2009
Table 3.7 Major drilling programs projected for 2010
Map 1.3.1 Kazakhstan oil export routs
Map 1.3.2 Existing gas transportation infrastructure of Kazakhstan
Map 2.1.1 Adai block location
Map 2.2.1 Aksai business operations area
Map 2.3.1 Altius Petroleum contract areas
Map 2.3.2 Altius Petroleum transportation routes
Map 2.4.1 The Kyrykmyltyk field
Map 2.5.1 North (Severny) Block
Map.2.5.2 North Block fields location
Map 2.6.1 The Arman field
Map 2.7.1 Atash block
Map 2.8.1 Block N location
Map 2.9.1 North Buzachi field location
Map 2.10.1 Zhemchuzhina (Pearls) Block
Map 2.11.1 CNPC-AMG business operation area
Map 2.12.1 Condor Petroleum Contract areas
Map 2.13.1 The Mertviy Kultuk block location
Map 2.14.1 Emir Oil Contract areas
Map 2.15.1 Jupiter Energy license area
Map 2.16.1 Karachaganak Petroleum Operating business area
Map 2.16.2 KPO oil/condensate export routs
Map 2.17.1 Karakuduk field
Map 2.18.1. Karazhanbasmunai business operations area
Map 2.19.1 North Karpovskiy block
Map 2.20.1 East Akzhar block location
Map 2.21.1 Kazakhoil – Aktobe business operations area
Map 2.22.1 KGM fields
Map 2.23.1 South Karpovsky block
Map 2.24.1 KMG EP fields
Map 2.24.2 KMG EP exploration blocks
Map 2.25.1 Ken- Sary business operations area
Map 2.26.1 Kokzhide, Kumsai and Mortuk license areas
Map 2.27.1 KAM business operations area
Map 2.28.1 The Kurmangazy structure
Map 2.29.1 Saigak field location
Map 2.29.2 Dunga field location
Map 2.30.1. Matin field
Map 2.31.1 Max Petroleum license areas
Map 2.32.1 Kulzhan field location
Map 2.33.1 MMG major fields
Map 2.34.1 NCOC business operation area
Map 2.35.1 The Alacol block location
Map 2.35.2 Leads and prospects identified within the Alakol block
Map 2.36.1 PETROLINVEST Group assets in Kazakhstan
Map 2.36.2 OTG Prospect location
Map 2.36.3 Emba Prospect location
Map 2.36.4 The Profit Contracr area
Map 2.36.5 Tyubezhic and Zhangurshi Contract areas
Map 2.37.1 Petrom business operations areas
Map 2.38.1 PKKR business operations area
Map 2.38.1 PKKR transportation options
Map 2.39.1. Potential Oil business operations area
Map 2.40.1 Roxi Petroleum Contract areas
Map 2.40.2 BNG Contract area
Map 2.41.1 Tengiz field location
Map 2.42.1 Tethys’s License/Contract areas
Map 2.43.1 Kazpolmunai and Tolkynneftegas operations area
Map 2.45.1 Tyub-Karagan block
Map 2.46.1. Fedorovsky block
Map 2.47.1 Zhaikmunai business area
Map 2.48.1 Zhalgiztobe field
Map 2.49.1 Zhambai South and South Zaburunye blocks
Map 2.50.1 Zhambyl block consortium contract area
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