Table 1. Market size for design services in Russia in 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 2. Design work scopes by major customer in 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 3. Historical and forecast design expenditures by Gazprom, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 4. Historical and forecast design expenditures by Gazprom Neft, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 5. Historical and forecast design expenditures by LUKOIL, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 6. Historical and forecast design expenditures by NOVATEK, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 7. Historical and forecast design expenditures by Rosneft, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 8. Historical and forecast design expenditures by SIBUR, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 9. Historical and forecast design expenditures by Surgutneftegaz, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 10. Historical and forecast design expenditures by TNK-BP, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 11. Historical and forecast design expenditures by Transneft, 2006-2020, billion rubles
Table 12. Historical and forecast field facility design expenditures by region, 2006-2020, billion rubles Table 13. Historical and forecast expenditure for field facility design by Russian companies, 2006-2020,billion rubles
Table 14. Historical and forecast expenditure for pipeline design by Russian companies, 2006-2020,
billion rubles
Table 15. Historical and forecast expenditure for refinery design by Russian companies, 2006-2020,
billion rubles
Table 16. Revenues of Russian design companies in 2001, thousand rubles
Table 17. Financial performance of OAO VNIIST, 2006-2011
Table 18. Financial performance of ZAO VNIIST-NefteGazProyekt, 2009-2010
Table 19. Financial performance of OAO VNIPI gazdobycha, 2008-2011
Table 20. Financial performance of OOO Gazprom VNIIgaz, 2007-2011
Table 21. Financial performance of OAO Giprogaztsentr, 2008-2011
Table 22. Financial performance of OAO Giprospetsgaz, 2008-2011
Table 23. Financial performance of OAO SevkaVNIPIgaz, 2008-2011
Table 24. Financial performance of DOAO CKBN, OAO Gazprom, 2008-2011
Table 25. Financial performance of OOO TyumenNIPIgiprogaz, 2007-2011
Table 26. Financial performance of OOO VolgoUralNIPIgaz, 2007-2011
Table 27. Financial performance of OOO Peter Gas, 2006-2011
Table 28. Financial performance of OOO Gazprom Neft NTTs, 2008-2011
Table 29. Financial performance of OAO Giprotyumenneftegaz, 2008-2011
Table 30. Financial performance of OOO LUKOIL Engineering, 2008-2011
Table 31. Financial performance of OAO Giprokauchuk, 2008-2011
Table 32. Financial performance of OAO Giprovostokneft, 2008-2011
Table 33. Financial performance of OOO OC Rosneft - NTTs, 2007-2011
Table 34. Financial performance of OOO RN - SakhalinNIPImorneft, 2007-2011
Table 35. Financial performance of OOO RN - UfaNIPIneft, 2007-2011
Table 36. Financial performance of OOO SamaraNIPIneft, 2007-2011
Table 37. Financial performance of OAO TomskNIPIneft, 2008-2011
Table 38. Financial performance of OOO RN - KrasnoyarskNIPIneft, 2007-2011
Table 39. Financial performance of ZAO INNTs, 2008-2011
Table 40. Financial performance of OAO Samaraneftekhimproyekt, 2008-2011
Table 41. Financial performance of ZAO GK RusGazEngineering, 2008-2011
Table 42. Financial performance of ZAO NIPI NGKh, 2008-2011
Table 43. Financial performance of OAO NIPIgazpererabotka, 2008-2011
Table 44. Financial performance of OOO STG Engineering, 2007-2011
Table 45. Financial performance of OOO SurgutNIPIneft,, 2009-2011
Table 46. Financial performance of OOO Lengiproneftekhim, 2007-2011
Table 47. Financial performance of OAO Giprotruboprovod, 2008-2011
Table 48. Financial performance of OAO VNIPIneft, 2009-2011
Table 49. Financial performance of ZAO NIPI EngGeo, 2009-2011
Table 50. Financial performance of ZAO Tyumenneftegazpropyekt, 2008-2010
Table 51. Financial performance of OAO Institute Neftegazproyekt, 2009-2011
Table 52. Financial performance of ZAO Giprong-Ekom, 2009-2011
Table 53. Financial performance of OOO LenNIIkhimmash, 2009-2011
Table 54. Financial performance of OAO VNIIneftekhim, 2009-2011
Table 55. Financial performance of OOO Design Institute ROSSNEFTEGAZPROYEKT, 2009-2011 Table 56. Financial performance of OAO Omsky Institut OMSKNEFTEKHIMPROYEKT, 2009-2011
Table 57. Financial performance of OOO Premium Engineering, 2009-2011
Table 58. Financial performance of OOO Gaz-Proyekt Engineering, 2009-2011
Table 59. Financial performance of ZAO Design Institute Nefteproyekt, 2009-2011
Table 60. Financial performance of OAO Giprogazoochistka, 2009-2011
Table 61. Financial performance of OOO NPO Engineering Systems, 2009-2011
Table 62. Financial performance of OAO Nizhnevartovsk NIPIneft, 2009-2011
Table 63. Financial performance of ZAO Firma Frikon, 2009-2011