Table 1. Oil services market capacity of Azerbaijan by segments, USD million, 2011
Table 2. Profile of the production and oil field services industry of Azerbaijan
Table 1-1. Azerbaijan’s oil projects with foreign participation
Table 1-2. Oil production in Azerbaijan by production companies in 2009-2011, thousand tons
Table 1-3. Azerbaijan’s gas projects involving foreign companies
Table 1-4. Gas production in Azerbaijan in 2009-2011, mcm per annum
Table 2-1. Prospecting drilling in Azerbaijan by companies in 2010-2011 (thousand meters, completed wells)
Table 2-2. Dynamics of active and inactive wells in Azerbaijan, 2008-2011
Table 2-3. Well stock of SOCAR as of July 1, 2011.
Table 2-4. Performance indicators for SOCAR, 2011
Table 2-5. Dynamics of the well stock and productivity at AChG in 2009-2011
Table 2-6. Well drilling at the Azeri-Chirag-Gyuneshli contract territory in 2010-2012
Table 2-7. Performance indicators for the project "Shah-Deniz" for 2011
Table 2-8. Perfomans indicators for Bakhar Energy, 2011
Table 2-9. Field development program for 5 years
Table 2-10. Performance indicators for Shirvan Oil, 2011
Table 2-11. Performance indicators for Karasu Operating Company, 2011
Table 2-12. Performance indicators for Binagadi Neft, 2011
Table 2-13. Performance indicators for Absheron Operating Company, 2011
Table 2-14 Key service companies operating in Azerbaijan, 2011
Table 2-15. Production capacity of key service companies in Azerbaijan, units, 2011
Table 2-16. Drilling rigs of KCA DEUTAG in Azerbaijan