Table 1. Changes in the contribution of main IPTs to incremental production in Russia, 2011-2012
Òable 2. Estimate of EOR and OWS operations in Russia in terms of effectiveness, 2011
Table 3. Overview of tight oil reserves in Russia and most effective recovery solutions, 2011
Table 4. Regional breakdown of current recoverable reserves in Russia
Table 2-1. Sidetracking operations in Russia in 2005-2012
Table 2-2. Sidetracking operations done by min contractors, 2011-2012
Table 2-3.Contractors capable of completing turnkey multi-stage fracturing in Russia, 2012
Table 2-4. Production capacities and indicators of fracturing companies, 2011-2012
Table 2-6. The main factors affecting the introduction of the service to the industry, 2012
Table 2-7. Main points of growth of multi-stage fracturing at Brownfield and Greenfield in the mid-term 2013-2020.
Table 3-1. EOR methods
Table 3-2. Estimates of the efficiency of enhanced oil recovery and production stimulation in Russia, 2011
Table 3-3. Main EOR projects in Russia, 2012
Table 4-1. Appraisal of the EOR and production stimulation market in Russia over types of operation, 2012
Table 4-2. Scopes of stimulation and EOR operations by key regions of Russia, 2012
Table 5-1. Scopes of stimulation and EOR operations done by VIOCs in 2012
Table 6-1. EDC financial indices in 2010-2012, $ mln
Table 6-2. BKE production capacity as of December 31 of the corresponding year
Table 2-4. BKE production indices as of December 31 of the corresponding year
Table 6-3. BKE financial indices, all activities, 2007-2012
Table 6-4. SWOT analysis of BKE
Table 6-5. SGK-Burenie production capacity and production indices
Table 6-6. Financial indices of SGK-Burenie, 2007-2012, thousand RUR
Table 6-7. Number of drilling crews, drilling rigs and meters drilled in 2012, by SGK-Burenie branches
Table 6-8. SWOT analysis of SGK-Burenie
Table 6-9. Financial indices of BKE Shelf, 2007-2012
Table 6-10. Production capacity of Gazprom Burenie as of May 1, 2013
Table 6-11. Production indices of Gazprom Burenie
Table 6-12. Financial indices of Gazprom Burenie, 2006-2012
Table 6-13. SWOT analysis of Gazprom Burenie
Table 6-14. Eriell drilling inventory in Russia as of the second quarter of 2013
Table 6-15. Eriell production capacity and production indicesin Russia, 2010-2013
Table 6-16. SWOT analysis of Eriell
Table 6-17. Integra-Burenie production capacity and production indices
Table 6-18. Financial indices of Integra-Burenie, 2006-2012
Table 6-19. Integra Group order book (billion rubles)
Table 6-20. SWOT analysis of Integra-Burenie
Table 6-21. Production capacity and production indices of Catoil-Drilling
Table 6-22. Financial indices of Catoil-Drilling, 2006-2012
Table 6-23. KCA DEUTAG onshore fleeting of drilling rigs in Russia (as of the beginning of 2013)
Òable 6-24. KCA DEUTAG customers in 2012 and drilling rigs used in projects
Table 6-25. KCA DEUTAG Russia financial indices, 2009-2012 , thousand rubles
Table 6-26. SWOT analysis of KCA DEUTAG
Table 6-27. Production capacity and key production indices of NSH Asia Drilling in 2009-2012
Table 6-28. Financial indices of NSH Asia Drilling, 2009-2012, thousand rubles*
Table 6-29. NEU drilling fleet
Table 6-30. NEU production capacity and production indices
Table 6-31. NEU financial indices, 2007-2012, thousand rubles
Table 6-32. SWOT analysis of NEU
Table 6-33. Fleet of drilling and well workover equipment of OBK
Table 6-34. OBK production capacity and production indices
Table 6-35. OBK financial indices, 2006-2012, thousand rubles
Table 6-36. SWOT analysis of OBK
Table 6-37. SBK production capacity and production indices in 2008-2012
Table 6-38. SBK financial indices, 2007-2012, thousand rubles
Table 6-39. SWOT analysis of SBK
Table 6-40. SSK‘s drilling fleet by lifting capacity of drilling rigs in 2012
Table 6-41. Production indices of SSK‘s Strezhevsk branch in 2011-2012
Table 6-42. SSK production capacity and production indices
Table 6-43. Production capacity and production indices of Nizhnevartovskburneft
Table 6-44. Nizhnevartovskburneft, 2006-2012, thousand rubles
Table 6-45. Main Customers of Nizhnevartovskburneft in 2011
Table 6-46. SWOT- analysis of Nizhnevartovskburneft
Table 6-47. Production capacity and production indices of NPRS -1 in drilling
Table 6-48. NPRS-1 financial indices, 2006-2012, thousand rubles
Table 6-49. Production capacity and production indices of Orenburgburneft
Table 6-50. Financial indices of Orenburgburneft, 2006-2010, thousand rubles
Table 6-51. Bashneft-Burenie production capacity and production indices in 2009-2012
Table 6-52. Financial indices of Bashneft-Burenie, 2008-2012, thousand rubles
Table 6-53. SWOT analysis of Bashneft-Burenie
Table 6-54. Production capacity and production indices of RN-Burenie
Table 6-55. Financial indices of RN-Burenie, 2008-2010, thousand rubles
Table 6-56. SWOT- analysis OOO RN-Burenie
Table 6-57. Production capacity and production indices of the drilling division of NGK Slavneft
Table 6-58. SWOT- analysis of the drilling division of Slavneft
Table 6-59. Drilling capacity of Surgutneftegaz
Table 6-60 Surgutneftegaz production indices, 2007-2011
Table 6-61. Production capacity for drilling as of January 1 of the corresponding year
Table 6-62. Burenie production indices
Table 6-63. Burenie SWOT- analysis
Table 6-64. Production capacity and production indices of Anega-Burenie, 2010-2012
Table 6-65. Financial indices of Anega-Burenie, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-66. Production capacity and production indices of Belorusneft-Sibir, 2007-2012
Table 6-67. Belorusneft-Sibir financial indices, 2008-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-68. Production capacity and production indices of BKE Well Services Branch, 2008-2012
Table 6-69. Sidetracking production capacity and production indices of SGK-Burenie, 2011-2012
Table 6-70. Financial capacity and production indices of Integra Group in the well servicing and workover segment, 2007-2012
Table 6-71. Obnefteremont financial indices, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-72. Production capacity and production indices of CATKoneft, 2008-2012
Table 6-73. Financial indices of CATKoneft in 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-74. Production capacity and production indices of CATOBNEFT, 2008-2012
Table 6-75. Financial indices of CATOBNEFT, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-76. Production capacity and production indices of KRS-Servis, 2007-2012
Table 6-77. Inancial indices of KRS-Servis, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-78. Production capacity and production indices of RU-Energy KRS-MG, 2007-2012
Table 6-79. Financial indices of RU-Energy KRS-MG, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-80. Production capacity and main production indices of Permnefteotdacha, 2007-2012
Table 6-81. Financial indices of Permnefteotdacha, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-82. Production capacity and production indices of Samotlorneftepromkhim, 2009-2012
Table 6-83. Financial indices of Samotlorneftepromkhim, 2007-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-84. Production capacity and production indices of the SSK well servicing and workover division, 2007-2012
Table 6-85. FOSKO‘s production capacity, 2007-2011
Table 6-86. NPRS-1 Production capacity and operating performance, 2007-2012
Table 6-87. Production capacity of UKRS, 2008-2012
Table 6-88. Production indices of UKRS, 2007-2012, jobs
Table 6-89. Financial indices of UKRS, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-90. Production capacity of Chernogornefteservis, 2008-2012
Table 6-91. Production indices of Chernogornefteservis, 2007-2012
Table 6-92. Financial indices of Chernogornefteservis, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-93. Production capacity of Belorusskoye UPNP i KRS 2010-2012
Table 6-94. Production indices of Belorusskoye UPNP i KRS, 2010-2012
Table 6-95. Financial indices of Belorusskoye UPNP i KRS, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-96. BURS lifting gear inventory
Table 6-97. Production capacity and production indices of BURS, 2011-2012
Table 6-98. Financial indices of BURS, 2006-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-99. Production capacity and production indices of Bashneft-Burenie in the sidetracking segment, 2009-2012
Table 6-100. Production capacity of Mamontovsky KRS, 2008-2012
Table 6-101. Production indices of Mamontovsky KRS, 2007-2012
Table 6-102. Financial indices of Mamontovsky KRS, 2006-2011, thousands RUR
Table 6-103. Production capacity of Surgutneftegaz in the well servicing and workover segment
Table 6-104. Production indices of Surgutneftegaz in the well servicing and workover segment, 2007-2012
Table 6-105. Production indices of TatneftRemServis, 2008-2012
Table 6-106. Financial indices of TatneftRemServis, 2008-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-107. CWS‘s production capacity and production indices in Russia
Table 6-108. Financial indices of KVS International, 2006-2011, thousands RUR
Table 6-109. Production capacity and production indices of CATKoneft in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-110. Financial indices of CATKoneft, 2007-2010, thousands RUR
Table 6-111. Production capacity and production indices of MeKaMineft in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-112. Financial incides of MeKaMineft, 2007-2012, thousands RUR
Table 6-113. Production capacity and production indices of PetroAlliance Services Company LTD in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-114. Production capacity and production indices of Trican in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-115. Production capacity and production indices of Weatherford in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-116. Production capacity and production indices of Halliburton in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-117. Production capacity and production indices of Schlumberger in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-118. Production capacity and production indices of Surgutneftegaz in the hydraulic fracturing segment
Table 6-119. Production resources and production indices of Tatneft-RemServis
Table 6-120. Production capacity of Surgutneftegaz in the well servicing and workover segment
Table 6-121. Production indices of Surgutneftegaz in the well servicing and workover segment, 2007-2010