Diagram 3.1. Annual oil and gas condensate production dynamics in Russia in 2005-2015 by companies, thousand tons
Diagram 3.2. Annual oil and gas condensate production dynamics in Russia in 2006-2015 by oil and gas provinces, million tons
Diagram 3.3. Forecast of annual oil and gas condensate production dynamics in Russia in 2016-2025, by oil and gas provinces, million tons
Diagram 4.1. Total annual volumes of the Russian oilfield services market in 2005-2015, RUB million
Diagram 4.2. Specific shares of certain segments of the Russian oilfield services market in 2005-2015, % of the total market volume in money terms
Diagram 4.3. Specific shares of certain segments of the Russian oilfield services market in 2015, RUB million, % of the total market volume in money terms
Diagram 4.4. Contribution of certain segments into total volume of the Russian oilfield services market in 2015, RUB million.
Diagram 4.5. Forecast of total annual volumes of the Russian oilfield services market for 2016-2025, RUB billion
Diagram 4.6. Estimated volumes of certain segments of oilfield services market and their specific shares in 2025, RUB billion, %
Diagram 5-1. Scope of seismic survey in the Russian Federation in 2005-2015, km for 2D, sq. km for 3D
Diagram 5-2. Scope of seismic survey in the Russian Federation in 2005-2015, USD million
Diagram 5-3. Cost fluctuations per km for 2D and per sq. km for 3D in 2005-2015, US$
Diagram 5-4. Forecasted scope of seismic survey in Russia in 2014-2025 in natural terms, km for 2D, sq. km for 3D
Diagram 5-5. Forecasted scope of seismic survey in Russia in 2014-2025 in money terms, km for 2D, sq. km for 3D
Diagram 5-6. Shares of the regions in the total scope of seismic survey in the Russian Federation, 2015.
Diagram 6-1. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015, 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-2. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015, 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-3. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015, 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-4. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015., 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-5. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015, 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-6. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2012-2015., 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-7. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2012-2015., 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 6-8. Scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation in 2009-2015., 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 7-1. Share of contractor companies in the total scope of seismic surveys in the Russian Federation, in monetary terms, 2015
Diagram 7-2.Consolidation seismic survey assets of Geotech Holding and IG Seismic Services
Diagram 7-3.Changes in the corporate structure of IG Seismic Services, ltd
Diagram 7-4.Company project portfolio, by regions, in monetary terms, 2014-2016.,%
Diagram 7-5.Holding company’s portfolio as per each participant, in monetary terms, 2014-2015.,%
Diagram 7-6.Scope of seismic surveys of OAO Samaraneftegeofizika in 2009-2015, 2D km, 3D sq.km
Diagram 7-7.Scope of seismic surveys performed by OAO Volgogradneftegeofizika in 2009-2015, 2D km, SD sq.km
Diagram 7-8.TNG Group geological and geophysical enterprises
Diagram 7-9.Regional subdivisions of OAO Bashneftegeofizika geological exploration division
Diagram 7-10. Scope of seismic surveys of OAO Yakutskgeofizika in 2009-2016, 2D km, sq.km