The English version of the report is available in 2-3 weeks after ordering
Analytical report covers the market of lubricants for gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines at small-scale power generation plants.
The study includes the following: analysis of power generation plantsper regions, consumers and producers, current and prospective oil demand, consumption specifics, competitor analysis in the oil market
Research methodology and sources of information:
- Gathering and analysis of industry statistics (Central Dispatching Department of the Fuel and Energy Sector, SPARK, Federal Customs Service databases, Federal Grid Company data, industry periodicals, etc)
- Creating databases on electricity plants powered by gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines
- Gathering and classification of technical requirements as per type of oil and engine model
- Conducting telephone interviews with company representatives:
- Small-scale generation facilities operators
- Equipment suppliers and dealers
- Lubricants producers
- Major consumers
- Holding consultations with industry experts
1. Key conclusions
2. The lubricants market in Russia and the Customs Union (CU) member countries
a. Lubricants consumption in retrospect and 2013-2025 forecast
b. Russia and CU lubricant markets balance as per different oil groups:
c. Shares of largest players in packaged and bulk products in 2016
3. Russia’s distributed generation market
a. Comparison of advantages and shortcomings of small-and large-scale power generation
4. Current state of Russia’s electricity plants powered by gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines
a. Largest operators of small-scale power generation:
b. Profiles of consumers / operators of electricity plants powered by gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines
c. Major producers in the Russian market
d. Largest packaging companies
e. Russia’s changing gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines market as per various regions
5. Russia’s market of lubricants for gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines
a. Lubricants consumption in retrospect and 2013-2025 forecast
b. Small-scale power generation lubricant market balance:
6. Key trends in Russia’s market of lubricants for gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines
7. Profiles of largest operators of Russia’s electricity plants powered by gas reciprocating and gas turbine engines