Independent gas companies (that are not part of state-controlled Gazprom and have access to the unified gas supply system) are playing an increasingly significant part in the production and supply of gas in Russia. Today the suppliers of one-fifth of the gas deliveries in the federation, the independent sector possesses the greatest potential for growth: a solid resource base, superior technology and management hardened by obstacles and political forces to Russian-style market realities. No one is better suited for this next phase of gas industry development.
The Independent Gas Producers in Russia elucidates the most important aspects of the Russian independent gas-producing sector within a large, complex setting. The study provides:
- description of the independent sector within the gas industry as a whole, including the regulatory environment and the role of Gazprom
- analysis of the resource base on which the Russian gas market rests with details of regional holdings and licenses
- domestic and foreign demands for gas, including Central Asian gas suppliers and former Soviet Union purchasers and the geography of deliveries
- recent and forecasted production, pricing, sales and delivery of gas
The Independent Gas Producers in Russia offers a comprehensive study of the factors affecting supply and demand in the Russian gas market and used these factors to forecast scenarios for the independent sector through 2010 and in some cases, 2015.
The Independent Gas Producers in Russia also provides in-depth analyses of six independent gas producers:
Gas companies:
Vertically integrated oil companies:
- Rosneft
- Surgutneftegaz
The study reviews performance data for these companies from 2002 through 2004 or 2005, examines impediments and opportunities for each and forecasts the companies’ growth through 2010 or 2015.
The study is an essential analytical support tool for:
- energy policy-makers
- gas producers
- utilities and other gas consumers
- transportation, distribution and trading companies
- gas downstream companies
- banks and investment organizations
- contractors and equipment suppliers
Chapter 1. Reserves, Production and Distribution of Gas in the Russian Federation
1.1. Resource base
1.2. Gas production
1.3. Gas balance, gas distribution
1.4. Transportation infrastructure
1.4.1. Trunk gas pipelines
1.4.2. Gas distribution networks
Chapter 2. Independent Gas Producers
2.1. The raw material base of independent gas producers
2.2 Gas production by independent oil and gas producers
2.3. Utilization of gas by independent producers
2.4. Gas deliveries by independent producers by region and industrial sector
2.4.1. Gas consumption by Russian Federation subjects
2.4.2 Gas deliveries to subjects of the Russian Federation
2.4.3. Regions with greatest growth in gas deliveries from independent producers
2.4.4. Gas deliveries by economic sector
Chapter 3. Regulation of the Independent Gas Producers' Market
3.1. Access to the gas transportation system
3.1.1. Terms of access to Gazprom's gas pipelines
3.1.2. Transmission tariffs for independents
3.1.3 Pipeline infrastructure belonging to independents
3.2. Gas market pricing structure
3.2.1. Deliveries of government-allocated gas
3.2.2. Deliveries of "over-the-limit" gas from Gazprom and independent producers
3.3. Gas prices in individual market segments
3.3.1. Deliveries of allocated gas
3.3.2. Deliveries of "over-the-limit" gas and gas of independent producers
3.3.3. Typical trading arrangements
Chapter 4. Key Independent Gas Producers
4.1. Gas reserves of the selected companies
4.1.1. Northgas
4.1.2. NOVATEK
4.1.3. Rosneft
4.1.4. LUKOIL
4.1.5. TNK-BP
4.1.6. Surgutneftegaz
4.2. Gas production and sale
4.2.1. NOVATEK
4.2.2. Northgas
4.2.3. Surgutneftegaz
4.2.4. Rosneft
4.2.5. TNK-BP
4.2.6. LUKOIL
4.3. Gas strategies of the selected companies
4.3.1. NOVATEK
4.3.2. Northgas
4.3.3. Surgutneftegaz
4.3.4. LUKOIL
4.3.5. Rosneft
4.3.6. TNK-BP
Chapter 5. Forecasts of Supply and Demand for Gas in Domestic Market
5.1. Forecast of gas demand
5.1.1. Status
5.1.2. Forecast of gas prices
5.1.3. Forecast of gas consumption
5.2. Forecast of gas consumption in key economic sectors
5.2.1. Status
5.2.2. Consumption forecast by economic sector
5.3. Gas supply forecast
5.3.1. Production forecast
5.3.2. Forecast of gas production by independent producers
5.3.3. Domestic consumption
5.3.4. Forecast of gas exports
5.3.5. Forecast of gas balance
Chapter 6. Advances in Natural Gas Processing for Alternative Transport
6.1. Alternative methods of transporting unprocessed forms of gas
6.1.1. Liquefied natural gas
6.1.2. Compressed gas
6.1.3. Natural gas hydrate
6.1.4. Comparison of gas transformation and transportation methods
6.1.5. Application of alternative methods of gas transportation in Russia
6.1.6. Gas transportation projects in Russia today
6.2. Natural gas processing methods
6.2.1. Synthetic liquid fuel
6.2.2. Technical and economic characteristics of SLF technology
6.2.3. SLF projects in Russia
6.2.4. Gasto-electricity: opportunities for small-scale power generation